
REVIEW: Melbourne Minimalism Tribute

Hey guys!
Sorry I didn't post, I was busy so I couldn't but I'm here again doing a review about this first Tribute we have on Stardoll.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"

Maybe you already know but I'm a minimal girl. Yes, I love minimalism and when I saw the spoilers I got really excited. This store was made for me.

Let's see:

The clothes are simply great. It's a fact that this store is wonderful.
The clothes
are very versatile and can be worn in so many ways that makes them truly amazing.
I just bought only my favorites for now, while later I'm planning to buy each and every one of the items (sorry, I just can't help myself!).

These ones are my #essentials for now, and a must in every wardrove:

White Boxy Blazer, White Cape Top, Sleeveless Neoprene Dress, Satin Over Shoulder Jacket, Pure White Skirt, Mesh Net Braid Skirt, Neon Minimalist Heels, White Buckle Stilettos, Heavy Metal Tote, Hot Pink Visor.

As this tribute is definitely one of my favorites, I, sadly, detected some flaws, just as the lack of shading (I read a status from a graphic designer on Facebook which said "what kind of shading were you expecting on white clothes?" and other graphic designer replied "more shading tbh"), yes, the shading is not great but anyway the clothes are amazing. And I also noticed the visor should be transparent, that you could see through it, but when you have it on your suite doesn't look like it should, at least in my doll who has dark skin.
And finishing my post...

3 outfits I made!

I hope you enjoy and don't forget to tell me in the comments which are your favourites!
It's always nice to read your thoughts.